Friday, May 20, 2011


                                   Steven Michael Talbott, 1/18/1969 - 5/19/2011

Our beautiful, amazing son lost his fight with brain cancer yesterday morning.  We were all there with him.  He was the most amazing man and accomplished so much in his short life.  He was an inspiration to all and he fought long and hard against all odds.  We will all miss his humor and his strength.  I will miss his phone calls and his love.
But now, he is at peace with Bill -- probably enjoying a round of golf and a rum and coke.


  1. Oh, Joanne, I'm so sorry. You haven't posted as much lately, and I was just recently wondering about your sons. I wish you, and all of Steve's family comfort and peace.

  2. So, so sorry. He touched so many lives. A group of New Horizons friends gathered last night and raised glasses of Bacardi and Coke in his honor. He was dearly loved and will be missed. Prayers to you and your family.

    ~Val Wittman

  3. JT.....I am so sorry to hear the news. I have been thinking of him and you.....was always praying and hoping for the best. He was so strong and fought such a hard and prayers to you and your family.......Kathy

  4. Joanne,
    I don't know you but have read your blogs from quilting links and something just clicked for me to keep reading. I know the loss of your husband last year has been so very hard and now to lose your son, I just am so very sorry that he couldn't beat that cancer but he did put up a good battle. I pray that God will comfort you and your family as you go through this difficult time.

  5. Joanne, I have read your quilting blog also and have followed his fight. He seemed so wonderful and well loved. I am praying for you all!

  6. God bless you and your family. I have followed your blogs for a long time. Your Steve was the same age as my daughter. That's way too young to go. You are a brave lady, put yourself in God's hands, keep the faith. You are loved by so many. Sandra Neel Hutchins

  7. Joanne,
    My heart swells for you! Know that you are in my prayers. I pray that the Lord cradle you in His unmeasurable love. ♥

  8. JT,
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know there are no words. I am thinking of you.
