Monday, December 20, 2010

Cookie Day

Cookie baking day was this past Saturday at my house.  I bought the kids their aprons each year they started baking cookies, so Mikey got his this year (he'll grow into it!)  That's Briana, 12, AJ, 6, Will, 3, Mom, Mikey, 6 months,  and Grandma.
Mikey just woke up from a nap and is cuddling with big sister.

And Mikey with his apron :-)!

And today I attended a cookie exchange at a friend's house -- it was wonderful visiting with everyone, drinking coffee, eating cookies - just a really nice, relaxing morning.  Thanks, Ginny!

Blessings:  Grandchildren and great friends to help us through these tough holidays.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Grandchildren and what fun to bake cookies with them all....JT, barely a days goes by that some thought of you crosses my mind.
